Article Title |
Kaushambi City and Buddhist Tradition in Ancient India: A Review |
Author(s) | Md. Ashikuzzaman Khan Kiron. |
Country | India |
Abstract |
Buddha visited the kingdom of Avanti and came to Kaushambi. Then the king of Kaushambi was Udayan. But King Udayan was a bitter Buddha-hater. He had his reasons. Magandiya, a Brahmin daughter of Srāvastī, was fascinated by the Buddha and wanted to marry him. Angered by the Buddha's rejection and his disdain for his form, Magandiya became angry. Magandia was very beautiful. Magandiya's uncle brought him to Kaushambi. King Udayan was impressed by his appearance. She came to the palace as a princess. But even as a queen, she could not forget the Buddha and made the king anti-Buddha. Knowing that the Buddha was coming to Kaushambi and staying at Ghositaram Vihara, Magandiya started propagating the Buddha with the help of some wicked people with a lot of money. They began to abuse and abuse the Buddha and his disciples. Fed up with this, Ananda requested that Buddha leave this city. Just as the elephant endures the pelts hurled on the battlefield, so the Buddha remained at Kaushambi and lived in the ninth monsoon, ignoring all troubles. However, later, King Udayana realised his mistake, repented, and took refuge with Buddha. The discussion article presents various aspects of Kaushambi, an ancient city in India, and its Buddhist tradition. |
Area | History |
Published In | Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2025 |
Published On | 13-02-2025 |
Cite This | Kiron, M. A. (2025). Kaushambi City and Buddhist Tradition in Ancient India: A Review. International Journal of Social Science Research (IJSSR), 2(1), pp. 127-133, DOI: |
DOI | 10.70558/IJSSR.2025.v2.i1.30266 |